Writing Readiness

Edco Handwriting places great emphasis on pre-writing and writing readiness with lots of pattern work, tracing of the letters with a finger, tracing in the air, tracing on the child’s table and tracing in the book prior to writing the letter.

This programme builds fine motor skills by providing

  • fun and engaging digitally-led warm ups
  • practical activity suggestions, for example:

– Scribbling
– Taking a line for a walk
– Lacing
– Threading beads
– Cutting
– Marla / play dough
– Tearing paper
– Scrunching paper
– Peg boards
– Clothes peg activities
– Tracing patterns in salt or rice
– Finger action rhymes

  • pre-writing pattern work in each book, including 10 pages of pattern work in Book A
  • pre-writing pattern work in the practice copies
  • digital pre-writing activities
  • targeted pre-writing activities corresponding to each lower-case letter in Book A

Correct Handwriting Setup

Great emphasis is placed on the correct handwriting setup.

  • Each book features a useful pull-out flap to prompt correct

– posture
– pencil grip
– page position

  • a video and song to demonstrate the correct handwriting setup
  • a video to specifically show how to form the correct pencil grip

It is advisable that Junior Infants would use Junior Grip Triangular pencils or Jumbo Triangular pencil.

It is advisable that Senior Infants would use Junior GripTriangular pencils.

Always ensure that there is a sharp point on the pencil!

Faber Castell Junior Grip HB Pencil:

  • https://www.schoolbooks.ie/products/faber-castell-junior-grip-hb-pencil

Jumbo Triangular HB Pencil Left Hand Pencil:

  • https://www.schoolbooks.ie/products/jumbo-triangular-hb-pencil-left-hand-3-pack?variant=32747479105607&currency=EUR&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_campaign=gs-2018-11-05&utm_source=google&utm_medium=smart_campaign&gclid=CjwKCAjwtdeFBhBAEiwAKOIy5167fYDtKvpf_-oEdBipEbeWDn5POgjOZ3XXIOrOCZnSABrDWhRKKRoCXIUQAvD_BwE

Letter Reversal Tips!

Some children tend to reverse letters when they first begin to write. The most common appears to be the b/d. Here are some useful tips to deal with this issue.